Ep 32 | Take Care Of Inner State
Summary: Shinay asks Bhāvani about working with regret on the yogic path. Bhāvani speaks about the constellations of life, waves of development, and cycles of regression. They talk about having a “Comfortable level of tension,” and the nature of time. Bhāvani gives practical practices to ground yourself in the moment and answers the question, “Do you feel that there is such a thing as wasted time?” Show Notes: Bhāvani Silvia Maki, international Yoga teacher and author: https://www.bhavanimaki.com/ Join the Online Yoga Sūtra Mentorship Program and Sūtra Wisdom School: https://www.bhavanimaki.com/yoga-sutra Get your copy of The Yogi’s Roadmap: The Patañjali Yoga Sūtra as a Journey to Self Realization: https://www.bhavanimaki.com/offers/iS6E2ioL/checkout Podcast Host, Shinay Tredeau: https://shinaytredeau.com/ Intro and Outro Music by: Emmaneulle Martin (@emmakka) https://www.emmanuellemartinmusic.com/biographie and Emmanuelle on Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/emmakka