Free Class

200 / 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training

Bhāvani's 200 and 300 Hour Training is applicable towards 500 Hour Certificate when added to 200 hour certificate. Required courses include all 3 immersions, 100 hours each: Foundations, Science of Yoga, & Art of Yoga​. Advanced Certification Exam for 500 hour Yoga Alliance certificate: $200 Written essays, exams, Sūtra memorization and teaching videos submitted post completion of contact hours. With successful completion of the exam, you may apply for the Yoga Alliance 300 / 500 hours.

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 Topics Covered


Āsana: Standing, Balancing, Seated, Twists, Inversions, Hip Openers, Shoulder Openers, Backbends, Arm Balances and Restorative Postures Reading Bodies, Modifications of Āsana, Therapeutic Application of Āsana, Alignment & Adjustments, Sequencing, Basic Pre-Natal​, Anatomy and Physiology, Functional Movement, Subtle Body Anatomy, Patañjali Yoga Sūtra Philosophy & Psycholog, Prāṇāyāma, Mudra, Bandha, Mantra

Develop a Personal Teaching Style and learn how to become a great teacher!

“The nature of life itself has to be realized in the acts of life.” - Joseph Campbell

Training Schedule

Times: Sunday - Fridays 7:30 - 1:30 pm
Location: North Shore Of Kaua'i


Meals are not included in the tuition. Students will be responsible for bringing their own lunch, snacks, and water for the day. 


Accommodations are not included in the tuition price.

Email [email protected] 

for accommodation suggestions or to inquire about camping option.

Cancellation policy 

Yoga Hanalei reserves the right to cancel any teacher training if there are fewer than 10 participants registered one week prior to the event start date. Upon cancellation of a training by Yoga Hanalei, all deposits will be returned in full. Our policy for student cancellation provides the student with a 50% refund of their deposit, plus any other completed payments if we are notified of cancellation 30 days prior to the start of the teacher training. Any cancellations made within 30 days prior to the start of training or thereafter will not be eligible for a refund.

Required Teacher Training Materials for Online Attendance

3 Yoga Bricks, 2 Yoga Belts, 2 blankets, 1 bolster, 1 folding chair, 2 sticky mats
1 wall, 1 door with handle that swings out of your practice space Students are responsible to purchase the book: ”Trail Guide to the Body” by Andrew Biel


Training Application and Inner-view


Training Module Overview

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