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The Yogi's Roadmap: Off the beaten path to breakthrough experiences

The Yogi's Roadmap: Off the beaten path to breakthrough experiences

Hosted by: Bhāvani Silvia Maki

Yoga is a journey of compressed evolution towards breakthrough experiences. Bhavani believes that engaging in the full science and art of Yoga uplifts us, deepens connection with authentic self and to the source of...


Ep 11 ~ Welcome To The Householder Lineage

Season #1

Welcome to the “Householder” Lineage Summary: Yoga as Self Care. The necessary discomfort that is inherent when we make efforts to foster our growth and our own creativity. Bhavani emphasizes, “It’s taking time to...
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Ep 10 ~ Ways Of Working With The Mind

Season #1

Ways of working with the mind. In this episode, Bhāvani speaks about cultivating true intimacy with oneself and grappling with the practice of yoga. She dialogues about ways of working with the mind, cultivating...
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Ep 9 ~ Personal Alignment With Greater Grace

Season #1

In this episode we speak about Grace, family ties, healthy individuation and commitment phobia. Bhavani gives her perspective about the work we do as practitioners of yoga to align our bodies through asana as well as...
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Ep 8 ~ Navigating Emotions Productively

Season #1

In this episode Bhāvani expounds upon her work with navigating strong emotions productively. This is the nuanced path of learning about energy management. Show Notes: Bhāvani Maki: Online...
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Ep 7 ~ Pain with Purpose

Season #1

In this episode we walk about pain: What pain, physical and psychological, can teach us about ourselves; sitting with our pain; learning from our pain; and how to reclaim health and wholeness.  I:4 Vṛtti sārūpyam...
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Ep 6 Yoga In the Virtual Age

Season #1

The virtual age and the yogik path. Living a “simple life” in the ever-changing and dynamic world that is the twenty-first century. Bhāvani speaks about Yoga as a path of involution and provides insight that goes...
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Ep 5 ~ The Science & Art of Yoga as a Heart-to-Heart tradition

Season #1

Bhāvani reveals key teachings from Rama Jyoti Vernon that she received in a visitation after Rama had left her body. This Conversation from the Heart goes into exploring the Yoga Sutra through a more feminine...
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Ep 4 ~ What Kind Of Yoga Is The Real Yoga?

Season #1

In this episode, Bhāvani and Shinay talk about Patañjali, the renegade, the human, the myth, the legend. Bhāvani clarifies, once again, the distinction between Patañjali’s eight-limbed yoga known as Ashtanga Yoga,...
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Ep 3 ~ Functional Practice & The Next Generation

Season #1

Bhāvani responds to the questions, “As a business owner, wife, mother, and now a growing elder who has passed the threshold into climacteric (more commonly known as menopause), how has your sādhana, yoga practice,...
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Ep 2 ~ The Teacher Student Alliance

Season #1

Bhāvani & Shinay explore the Yoga tradition as a multi-layered experience that starts with a gestational period from which we emerge as something never-before-seen grounded in tradition. Bhavani...
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Ep 1 ~ Origins: Yoga As The Path Of Authenticity

Season #1

Bhāvani shares her personal journey and the adventure of Yoga as coming home to Self, in the indigenous tradition of heart-to-heart transmission. Bhavani Maki: Live Online Yoga Sūtra...
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